April 29, 2005 Bryce Canyon, Utah Neville gathered Josie’s body in his arms; she let out a small gasp of pain, the sound of which cut through him like shards of glass. “I’m going to take care of you,” he whispered into her hair. “Everything is going to be all right.” He squeezed his eyes shut, letting his body slowly fade, picturing his destination clearly as he forced himself through the mental image. There was an audible “pop” as he disappeared from the spot he’d previously occupied, only to reappear in the lobby of L’Abbaye Saint-Feuillien hospital. A nurse, dressed in a green uniform looked up as he Apparated into the waiting room. “What is the nature of the magical injury?” the nurse at the check in station asked. “I’m not sure. She – we were hiking and she fell,” Neville gasped out, cradling Josie in his arms. “Name?” “Josie Rutle… er Longbottom. Josie Longbottom.” “Why don’t you place her on that gurney over there.” The nurse waved her hand at the line of gurneys against...
A blog for fanfiction, original fiction, poetry, and whatever else catches my fancy.