Chapter Title: The Tonk’s Incident Diagon Alley – 1966 “Will you hurry up? I want to get into Madam Malkin’s before the rush!” Bellatrix Black yelled, tugging on her younger sister’s sleeve. “I have to get the perfect robe for this year’s Yule ball, and if I end up in something puce, you’re going to regret it.” “But, Bella, I’m supposed to go to Ollivander’s first.” “Fine! Go to Ollivander’s then!” Bellatrix shoved her sister away. “I’m going to Malkin’s.” “I – but… but – Mum said to stay with you! I can’t go there alone!” Andromeda gasped out, stumbling over the uneven cobblestones. “Aw – is the lil’ baby scared?” Bella sneered, her dark hair flying into her face. “Just go. There’s nothing to be scared about. Just go down the street, get your wand, and meet me at Madam Malkin’s. It’s quite simple.” Andromeda nibbled lightly on her lower lip, weighing her options. She really didn’t want to go to Ollivander’s by herself, yet she also didn’t want to incur Bella’s anger –...
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