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Showing posts from September, 2006
I so totally am stealing this interesting tidbit from lj user matociquala (yes, I know stealing is bad, but I couldn't resist). lj user filkertom , aka Tom Smith, aka the Fastest Filker on the Seas, has written a new song in honor of International Talk Like A Pirate Day, which also happens to fall on Hermione Granger's birthday. *snort* This is delightful!!!! And my other post for the day: The World Language Test Meme . If I could remember to cross post, maybe this thing will work out right. (Still want blogger feeds to make it easier though, damnit!)
Because poor Blogger's been feeling like my unloved, redheaded step-child, I've decided to try something new. Or at least make this as interactive as I can with my more used livejournal. So, to further those ends, new posts over in LJ land will be linked here. Case in point: 100 Things About Me meme