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Showing posts from April, 2008

A Bit of Faith

Title: A Bit of Faith Fandom: Torchwood Parts: One-shot Character(s): Toshiko Santo with mentions of Ianto, Owen and Jack Spoilers: 2.06 Reset through 2.08 Day in the Dead Rating: PG Genre: Drama Summary: Toshiko takes a moment to reflect on what has happened to Owen. She feels oddly out of place; these walls hold no solace, no comfort for her. Her feet echo against the stone floor as she makes her way past the aisles of wooden pews. With the exception of one woman, near the front, the church is empty. As she nears the altar, she notices that the woman is kneeling on one of the padded, faded red knee stands, the fingers on her right hand slowly working around the small beads of a rosary. Tosh can barely hear the whispered words the woman chants, “Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst…” as she skirts past. With a weary sigh, she eases herself down, gingerly sitting on the uncomfortable pew – she’s never been particularly religious before, so she isn’t...