Title: An Unconventional Moment Chapter Title: The Beginning of the End Author: celisnebula Character(s)/Pairing: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, (possible) Dubious Consent Rating: NC-17 Summary: It always had to end somewhere. The feeling of intense cold wakes me up enough to feel uncomfortable. I groggily reach behind me and tug on the blankets. They hardly move, and I shift my body to see what they might have caught on. I suck in a shocked breath as I catch a glimpse of the dark form beside me. Adrenaline surges through me, my heart thudding painfully against my chest before my brain finally catches up. This wasn’t some faceless intruder, it is him . He actually stayed the night. How appropriate, the man’s a sodding blanket hog. I roll onto my side as softly as I can and gently tug on the blanket once more. He lets out a small grunting sore and shifts his body just enough so that I can pull the material loose. With a shiver, I ease back agai...
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