Title: Discipline Author/LJ name: celisnebula Ship: Snape/Hermione Warnings: Spanking, power play, finger stimulation Word Count: 1000 Summary: Deputy Headmaster Snape has to take things into his own hands. A/N: Thank you DeeMichelle, for looking this over so fast! As ever, I’m always indebted to anyone who agrees to beta for me. Written for September 2010's prompt Back to School at ptterpr0nprmpts on Livejournal. “Miss Granger,” I said in a soft, sibilant tone as she eased the door open and stepped into the Deputy Headmaster’s Office. “Come in and sit down; I’ll be with you in a moment.” She gave a cursory glance around, no doubt in the hopes that Professor McGonagall might be lurking somewhere in the dim depths of the room. When she noticed the room was empty save for me, she sat down on one of the uncomfortable chairs I had placed in front of my desk. “Ms Granger, the arrangement you made with Headmaster McGonagall to finish your final year is no longer working. It is c...
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