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FIC: Faith Healing

Author/Artist: Celisnebula Recipient: cosmiccoz  Title: Faith Healing Rating: R  Word Count: 14K Warnings: Language, mention of infidelity – nothing too heart stopping, light lemons. Genre: AU, EWE, Drama Summary: Hermione has lost the memories of the last twelve years of her life – she’s forgotten all about her daughter, Rose, or her life with Severus.  All she remembers is the rough few years after the war, when she was desperately in love with Ronald Weasley.   Original Prompt: Fic Prompt #3: Hermione is the new Muggle Studies teacher. She is writing a chronicle of Voldemort's two wizarding wars. Severus Snape has fallen desperately in love with her, but Hermione's only interest in her ex-professor is his memories of the war. ~~ ~~~~ I felt Rose’s arms wrap around my waist, her small face pressed against my side.   “That bad?”  I asked.  I felt her body shudder as she sighed and nodded her head yes.  “Want to talk about it?”  She sh