Title: An Unconventional Moment Chapter Title: This is the End... Author: celisnebula Character(s)/Pairing: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, (possible) Dubious Consent, Anal Rating: NC-17 I take one last look around my room, trying to gauge if I have missed anything. No. Not my room—at least not any longer. Strange. It wasn’t mine any longer. I sag against the door-frame, panic and remorse snaking up my spine. This room had been my home—my refuge—for the last few years, and now there was nothing left of me in it. It was a surreal feeling. Letting out a soft sigh, I shifted; it was time. Time to let go. Time to move on. I suppose anyone would feel this way; change isn’t easy to accept, even when it’s supposed to be good for you. I straightened my spine. No use quibbling over something that I knew was going to happen; something I had, in fact, orchestrated. I couldn’t stay here; not anymore. I had...
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