I’m beginning to feel like some sort of addict, chasing the dragon around for the next high, yet, even knowing how pathetic I’ve become about all this, I can’t stop. It’s a good thing faculty are allowed off grounds during the weekends; else I am not sure how I would survive. I’ve taken precautions; no longer do I meet him in any place I might be recognized, it wouldn’t do for someone in my position to be seen obtaining this sort of service, so, I’ve taken to arranging a more secure location for my folly. Being a Muggle born does have its advantages, and my ability to work outside of Diagon Alley’s constraints is a blessing some days. I don’t know if he objects, he hasn’t said so yet, though I suppose as long as I pay him in Galleons it doesn’t matter. I’m still not quite comfortable with all of this, though I can’t stop. I’ve picked a lovely hotel within the Bayswater district of London for tonight’s tryst. Despite the cold and the snow, I stand on the balcony, enjoying the play ...
A blog for fanfiction, original fiction, poetry, and whatever else catches my fancy.