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An Unconventional Moment Redux

I’m beginning to feel like some sort of addict, chasing the dragon around for the next high, yet, even knowing how pathetic I’ve become about all this, I can’t stop. It’s a good thing faculty are allowed off grounds during the weekends; else I am not sure how I would survive.

I’ve taken precautions; no longer do I meet him in any place I might be recognized, it wouldn’t do for someone in my position to be seen obtaining this sort of service, so, I’ve taken to arranging a more secure location for my folly. Being a Muggle born does have its advantages, and my ability to work outside of Diagon Alley’s constraints is a blessing some days. I don’t know if he objects, he hasn’t said so yet, though I suppose as long as I pay him in Galleons it doesn’t matter.

I’m still not quite comfortable with all of this, though I can’t stop. I’ve picked a lovely hotel within the Bayswater district of London for tonight’s tryst. Despite the cold and the snow, I stand on the balcony, enjoying the play of lights against the night sky.

The warmth of his hands as he wraps his arms around me startles me from my thoughts; I hadn’t expected his arrival just yet. I lean back into him, enjoying the feel of his skin pressing into mine, knowing that he’s already taken the potion I’ve brought.

“I’ve missed you,” he says as his lips nuzzle against my neck in that strange voice.

“Please don’t,” I admonish; I may pay him for my fantasies of being loved and cherished through physical means, but I don’t necessarily want to hear the words.

His hands slide down my arms, then across my breasts, covering them, just the barest of caresses. His mouth nips at my neck and ear, his hips pressing into me from behind, and I realize that he is quite naked behind me. I wonder vaguely if he is worried about someone from below seeing him in this state. He gently nibbles at my neck and ear, and I, despite the fact that we are out in the open, feel myself getting aroused.

“Shouldn’t we go in?” I ask, trying not to think of how exposed we are to everyone.
“Mmmm hmmmm,” he mumbles against my shoulder as he kisses it.

His hands stroke down my sides, the heat of his hands seems to sear into my flesh as he moves them down to rest on my hips. My heart flutters a bit as he grips them, his fingers digging into the fleshy part as he trails kisses down across my shoulder and onto my back. I can feel his lips through the silky material of my blouse, and I shudder with pleasure.

I breath in deeply, trying to regain some control over my body as his hands skim across the thin fabric covering my hips, across my bottom, to rest at the juncture between the back of my thighs. His fingers curl in, sliding between my thighs, and I arch my back in response.

My fingers tighten on the rail of the balcony as I feel the fabric of my skirt inch upward. Below us, a couple mills about with a dog on a chain, slowly strolling up the icy walkway, and I feel apprehension snake through my stomach, we are not all that far up from the street. I turn my head to protest, but his lips capture mine, and I am lost in the sensations.

Higher and higher, the material rises, cold air brushing against my flesh, and I am sure that anyone looking up at us might see what he’s doing to me. My heart races with the fear over that thought. My knuckles are white as the metal from the balcony cuts into my palm, and I wonder what sort of madness has overcome my brain.

Finally he has raised the back of my skirt enough to get his hands on my bare hips, I feel one slide up my back and he pushes me forward slightly. That hand trails down my spine, curving around my buttocks, to delve between my legs. A small moan escapes my lips as a finger gently brushes along the line of my knickers; he rips them from me in a quick, unexpected move.

The feel of cold air caressing my bare thighs, the warmth of his fingers sliding along my skin and the fear of exposure are almost more than I can take. I start to turn, ready to head back inside to the bed, but his hands grip my hips in a firm grasp and he turns me back to face the street.
“Don’t move,” he whispers against my neck in that strangely high voice.

I want to protest, want to say something about how uncomfortable this is making me feel, but words are stymied by the throaty whimper his next movement elicits. His hands reach around my body, one holding against my stomach as the other slips down between my legs.

“Oh Severus…” I moan as his fingers slowly start to stroke me, my hips rolling against his hand. He grinds his erection against me as his fingers tease around my clit, his other hand creeping up to cup my right breast. My nipples tighten in anticipation, hardening as his fingers brush along the underside.

I reach behind me, wanting to feel him, my fingers just brush against his erection before he angles his body away from me.

“I thought I told you not to move,” he growls against my throat. “Put you hands on the rails and do not move until I tell you to.”

My movements press my bottom against him; he inhales sharply, his fingers tightening on my nipple, making me gasp out.

“Please…” I whisper, not exactly sure what I’m asking for, though some part of me is sure that we will go back inside before things go much further. His teeth light scrape against the base of my neck, his body pressing me down so that I’m bent at an odd angle.

His hands roam over my body, gliding over the silk of my shirt down the practical material of my sensible skirt, bunched around my hips, to my exposed flesh. I can feel him push himself against me, the tip of his cock nudging against my bottom.

In the back of my mind is the thought that this can’t continue out here for much longer, that any moment we will head in and move to the bed to finish this dance. I learned how wrong I can be. In one smooth movement, he pushes me forward, his hands gripping my hips at an angle that makes my hike up onto my tiptoes, and before I can utter a sound, he’s inside of me.

I cry out in pleasure as he thrusts deep into me, I swear he’s hit my cervix, his answering groan skittering across my shoulders. All I can do is hold on tight to the rail as he grabs my hips and starts to move in and out of me.

With a throaty moan, I rotate my hips against him, pushing back as his skin slaps against mine. Below us, another couple strolls down the sidewalk, and I have to bite my lips so that I don’t draw attention to what we are doing. He pushes hard into me just as they walk out of sight, a hard thrust that makes me squeak out.

“Do you like this,” he mutters, plunging deep into me. “Do you like me fucking you where anyone can see us?”

I don’t know what to say. I’ve never been an exhibitionist, but in this moment, I don’t care who see us, I don’t care if anyone I know comes upon me in this position, being bent over by my fantasy.

He starts thrusting into me ruthlessly, deep, hard strokes that drive my chest into the metal railing of the balcony. I can feel my body clenching around him, and orgasm blossoming deep within, as I push my hips against him. Just as the feeling starts to spread, he pulls completely from me, and I cry out against the loss.

“Shush,” his whispers into my hair, his hands pulling my body away from the railing, and off the balcony.

I follow him back into the room on unsteady legs, my eyes running over his backside. It never ceases to amaze me how utterly perfect the Polyjuice Potion works, or rather, how perfectly it seems to work. I’ve never actually see the real Severus Snape in such a state, and it’s doubtful I’ll ever have the chance, but that doesn’t stop me from appreciating the symmetry before me.
He pulls me to his chest as we near the bed, wrapping his long arms around me as his mouth meets mine. My arms wrap around his neck as I arch into his mouth, my breasts brushing along his chest. I often forget how tall he is, in comparison to me, as he angles his head towards mine for a kiss.

His hands start pulling at my blouse, sliding it upwards, and he breaks the kiss long enough to pull it over my head. My skirt and ruined knickers quickly follow the discarded shirt, leaving me in just my bra. He lowers his head, gently nipping at my neck as his arms circle around me, his steady fingers unclasping the hooks of my bra. He kisses his way down my neck and chest as he pushes the material down my arms.

Slowly, his hands slide back up my torso, gliding over my flushed skin. My nipples tighten, as his hands cup my breasts, his thumbs lightly tracing over the taut buds. Arousal is thrumming though my veins, the aborted orgasm making me feel overly sensitive; I suck in a hissing breath as his tongue gently laves around my nipple.

My fingers thread through his hair, pushing him into my chest, and he rewards my impatience by drawing the bud deep into his mouth. His hands spread across my body, pulling me closer to him, as I hang on to his shoulders. We move backward, his long frame pulling mine to the bed, his lips devouring my breasts. He falls back against it, toppling onto the bed, and I sprawl out across him.

I start to move off him, wanting to get comfortable, but he holds me steady. His hips flex up, his erection pushing into my stomach as he scoots back onto the bed. His hands rise to my face, framing it with those impossibly long fingers, as he pulls me in for a long kiss. He gently sucks on my lower lip, his tongue sweeping into my mouth, and I slide my own against it.

“Ride me,” he groans against my lips; his hands run down my back, pulling me up until I’m hovering over him on my knees. I can feel him flexing up against me, as I settle over him. He must have noticed my unease, this is not something we have done before, and I’m not quite sure how to go about this; he solves the problem with one swift movement. I feel just the tip of him inside of me, and I move, shuddering as his length goes deeper into me as I rock downward. I feel him thrust upwards, pushing into me as I swiveled my hips against his. I cried out in pleasure as he surged up, my back arching as I moved against him. His fingers grip my hips tightly; I think I might actually have bruises there when this is all said and done, but I don’t care. Nothing exists but the feel of him, hard and deep inside of me. I want this moment to last. I want to weep with the beauty of this moment.

His hands try to direct my pace, but I am not relinquishing control just yet. I move over him, slowly rocking up and down on him, loving the small groans he makes as I push down against his upward thrusts. I moan uncontrollably as he moves one of his hands between us, gently flicking a finger against my clit.

“Please Severus…” I beg, unable to restrain myself any longer, bucking my hips against his.
With a quick movement, he rolls us both over, pushing roughly into me as I land on my back.

“Harder,” I whimper, my nails digging deep into his shoulder. Electric jolts run through my body as he plunges into me. I close my eyes against the sensations, overwhelmed by everything. And then, almost too quickly, it hits, a hard spasm that has me screaming out “Severus” as my body clamps around the cock buried inside of me. He rocks into me one last time, surging deep, and then I feel him swell and jerk inside of me.

He collapses on top of me, and I automatically wrap my arms around him, pulling him close. I can feel his heart beating rapidly, as rapidly as my own as I hold him. I can help but think how nice this would be if I could stay here, wrapped up in his arms… but I want it to be the real Severus’s arms I’m tangled in.

With a kiss to his forehead I start to wiggle out of his embrace, knowing that the hour is nearly up and that I should go. I feel his eyes on me as I search around for my clothes. I wonder what he thinks about all of this; then again, I’m not sure what to think about all of this some days either. I cast a cleansing spell over my body and clothes as soon as I find them.

“The room is yours for the night, if you wish,” I mutter, sitting on the edge of the bed to put on my bra. The knickers are a total loss, so I try not to feel like a hedonist as I slide the skirt on over my bare bottom. Though, considering this whole fiasco, I suppose I am a hedonist, and terribly over indulgent one at that.

He doesn’t say anything as I dress; he never does. I place his payment on the table beside the bed, and pick up the bottle of potion he left there earlier.

“I’ll owl you,” I whisper as I reach the door, “if I need you again.”

It’s strangely quiet as I slip out the door, and I wonder how long I will last this time.

Part 3


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