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An Unconventional Moment chapter 5

She’s been avoiding me these last few days, as if hiding herself from me will actually protect her. I have no doubt her brain has supplied all sorts of intriguing ideas of what will happen now that she realizes I know her secret, so I let her have this illusion of protection.

It isn’t until I find her in a secluded corner of the Restricted Section, shelving books by the light of one dim candle, that I decide this has gone on long enough. I move silently behind her, close enough that I can almost feel the heat of her body. She whirls around, sensing my presence. I watch as she draws her lower lip in, nervously chewing on it as she watches me with haunted eyes; her nostrils flare as she sucks in an uneasy breath.

I lean in close and whisper: “You and I have business to discuss.” I watch with some measure of satisfaction the way her eyes go large; I can literally see myself reflected in them.

“We – ah – I have nothing to say to you,” she responds primly, donning an austere air even as she backs away from me, into the library table.

I step into her space, looming over her; I can smell the faint scent of lavender and sandalwood clinging to her skin.

“Oh, but we do, Granger,” I whisper in her ear.

Narrowing her eyes, she places a hand on my chest and pushes me back.

“I think you are mistaken,” she says coldly, turning from me so she can escape.

My arm snakes around her middle, and I pull her tight to me. She gasps in surprise as her back crashes into my body. I splay my fingers across her stomach as I bend her forward. Her hands grasp at the edges of the table, her knuckles whitening as my breath fans against her ear.

“I wouldn’t have taken you for a fool,” I growl out against the nape of her neck.

She bucks back, trying to gain some space between us, but only succeeds in pushing her arse against my pelvis. Reflexively I grind my hips against her.

“Please…” she whimpers, “don’t.”

“Don’t what?” I ask in a rough voice against the back of her neck. I reach around with my free hand and stroke down her throat, letting my palm glide over her right breast. “Don’t do this?” She moans, throwing her head back against my shoulder as I slowly tweak her nipple between my fingers.

“Spread your legs,” I tell her gruffly. Her body tenses at the command, and she starts to turn her head to look back at me. I push my weight against her back, making her lean over the table. She tries to brace herself, as I shift, my body almost flattening her against the tabletop as I reach for my wand. With a quick incantation, I’ve ensured that she’ll stay in that position until I’m ready to release her.

I step back to admire my handiwork; her legs parted slightly, her torso bent at the waist over the table, her arse in the air. I mutter another spell, cloaking us from prying eyes – I’ve no desire to give the students a practical lesson in anatomy. I kick her feet apart, just a bit wider, and then flick my wand at her robes; she is far too overdressed for what I intend. Her clothing unbuttons, hanging limply at the sides of her body, leaving the front exposed.

“I – you – let me up,” she demands breathlessly, squirming on the table. “This is highly inappropriate.”

“Inappropriate?” I hiss in her ear, as I step directly behind her. “I hardly think you are in any position to talk about what is inappropriate, Granger.” I snake my left hand around her body, stroking my hand down her stomach. She pulls in a deep, gasping breath, sucking in her stomach as my hand slides down.

I move my right hand across her back, sliding it under her arm until I can feel the weight of her breast in my hand. I press my body against her back, grinding my pelvis against her arse as my fingers tease at her flesh. The right hand tweaks the taut nipple of her breast through the material of her bra as the left hand pushes past her navel thrusting down the front of her knickers.

“We… not here,” she moans as my fingers brush along the top of her public hair. I curl my fingers inward, tracing the around the curve of her pouty lips before parting them. “Don’t,” she shudders out as I gently circle my index finger around her clit.

“Again with the don’t,” I hiss out, putting some pressure on her clit. “Don’t what? Don’t do this?” I ask as I push my finger into her. She moans in response, her hips rocking against my hand as I roughly push another finger into her. I place a kiss on her neck, flicking my tongue against her ear lobe.

“Or don’t do this?” I twist at her nipple, pulling it with just enough force to be a little bit painful.

“This can’t be happening,” she moans.

I push up her bra, freeing first the right breast and then the left; they hang down to brush against the top of the table as I shift my weight over her. The pad of my index finger brushes against her clit as I pull my fingers out from under her knickers. She moans, hips flexing as my hand trails up her stomach.

It takes considerable effort, but I pull myself from her, eyeing her pert arse. I walk around the table, words cannot describe the feelings her flushed face and glassy eyes invoke.

“Let me go,” she sputters, trying to pull herself up from the table. She is quite demanding, given her present situation. I place a finger under her chin and raise her face up so she has to look at me.

“I hardly think you are in a position to give out commands, Granger.” Her face turns pale for a second.

“How dare you –“ I cut off her words with a kiss. Her lips stay motionless under mine; she could be carved from stone for all her stillness. I let my tongue trace the seam of her mouth, flicking the tip lightly against her plump bottom lip. She makes a throaty moan, her lips relaxing just a fraction, as I delve my tongue into her mouth. She tastes of chocolate.

“Oh,” she whispers softly as I end the kiss.

She says nothing as I walk back around, stroking my hand down her back; she shivers in response. I cup her arse through the material of her clothing, gently squeezing before sliding my hands down her thighs. I gather the material of her robe and skirt pushing them up and on to her back, leaving me a lovely view of her knicker-clad arse.

I nip at the base of her back as I hook my fingers on the waistband of her knickers and slowly pull them down over her hips. Instead of pulling them all the way off, I leave them stretched between her knees; my cock throbs at the sight of this decadent pose.

She reacts by tensing up as I slide my fingers between her legs. Using my index and third finger, I spread the flesh of her mound, pushing my middle finger inside of her with no warning; she grunts at the invasion. Her knees start to buckle as I flick at her clit with my index finger, the weight of her body resting on the top of the table.

“We can’t be doing this,” she mutters. “We have to stop – we can’t do this here.”

The sound of my hand smacking the bare flesh of her arse sounds particularly loud as I swat her.

“You bastard –“ she chokes out, tensing up and pushing her hips towards the table in an attempt to get away from my hand, despite the fact that it had been a light slap.

“I believe I told you how tired I was of that axiom, Granger,” I say, slapping her arse once again. I thrust my fingers into her again, circling her clit, as I land another blow on the cleft of her arse with my other hand. Her hips buck into my hand as I tease the folds of her flesh, her muscles clamping down on my invading finger with every stinging smack.

“Fuck,” she groans as I continue to slap her arse every few seconds, flicking her clit in time with the smacks. Her hips rock into my touch, until she is literally thrusting her pert arse out into my slaps.

“Ah, god, don’t,” she moans as I pull from her. I strip the robes from me, and step directly behind her.

“Don’t –,” I grunt, grabbing her hips. “Always with the don’t.” With a hard, deep thrust, I am all the way inside of her. I stay still for a moment, enjoying the sensation of her tight heat all around me. “Shall I stop?” I whisper against her ear before drawing the lobe into my mouth. She whimpers in response.

I pull out slowly, only to plunge deeply into her once again, her body shuddering as she drives back against me. I grind my hips against her, moving at a slow pace. Sliding my hands up her body, I cup her breasts, tweaking both nipples with my fingers.

“Harder,” she whispers so quietly, I almost miss the words.

She clenches around me as I move faster, the force of my thrusts pushing her into the table. I can feel my orgasm coming, feel as her inner walls close around me every time I push into her. I reach down between her legs, and stroke her clit as I slide deep.

“Severus…” Her voice breaks on my name, her orgasm hitting her hard. With each spasm I come closer to my own release, thrusting once, twice, and then a third time before I follow her into nirvana.

As soon as I come to my senses, I move off her. Her forehead is resting on the table, her chest heaving with the effort to bring air to her lungs. I quickly don my robe, and then smooth the back of hers over her arse.

“Tomorrow morning – first thing,” I whisper in her ear. “I doubt you will like the consequences if you ignore me.” I mutter a “Finite Incantatem,” releasing her from her bonds, before striding out of the Restricted Section. It isn’t until I’m halfway out of the library that I wonder why she hadn’t had her wand on her.

Part 6


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