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The Feige

Title: The Feige
Fandom(s): Harry Potter/ The Sons of Destiny
Rating: PG
Character(s): Luna Lovegood/ Morganene of Corvis
Summary: Luna Lovegood, always in search of the Blibbering Humdinger and the Crumple-Horned Snorkack, stumbles across another “mythical” being, the “feige”.

Luna Lovegood was used to the strange and unusual, so when the face of a very handsome young man, with dusky blue eyes and sandy brown hair, appeared in the mirror above her bathroom sink, she didn’t shriek, as any normal person would’ve done when faced with a strange situation. She’d been searching for the legendary Blibbering Humdinger, and her research suggested that the animal was protected by the hierarchy of the feige. It stood to reason, then, that the face staring at her from the mirror was one of them.

“Hello,” she whispered, her silver eyes gleaming with excitement.

“Oh, hello,” the man answered.

“Have you come to ask me to stop then?” she queried.

“I’m sorry – ask you to stop what?” His face took on a perplexed look. “Have you done something?”

“The Blibbering Humdinger,” Luna said dreamily. “Are you going to ask me to stop looking for them?”

The man shook his head. “The Blibbering what? Is that some sort of machine?”

Luna giggled. “You’re not exactly what I imagined.” She cocked her head to the side. “Are all the feige like you?”

“I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I don’t know what a feige is.”

“That’s all right,” Luna said with a soft smile. “You needn’t tell me you are, if you aren’t allowed to.”

“Er – right,” the young man said, awkwardly looking behind him. “Look, I’m sorry to disturb you.”

“Oh, you’re not disturbing me,” Luna said, pressing her face closer to the mirror. “I wish I could see behind you, I’m sure your world is fascinating.”

“You know I come from another world?” he asked, his tone laced with surprise.

“Well, of course you do.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t sustain this long.” He looked behind him again. “Would it be possible to talk to you again?”

“I’d like that,” Luna replied with a soft sigh. “Can you at least tell me your name?”

“Morganene of Corvis, and you are?”

“Morganene of the ravens? Pleased to meet you, I am Luna Lovegood. You must have been chosen to speak to me because I was in Ravenclaw.” She gave him a brilliant smile.

“I really do have to go,” he replied, giving her an answering smile. “But, I’d really like to talk with you again, if I may?”

“Oh, yes, please come back again, if it doesn’t hurt you to push through the Veil.” Her silvery eyes grew wider. “It doesn’t hurt you to talk to me, does it?”

“No, just uses a lot of power.” He glanced behind him once more. “I really do have to go now, Luna.”

“Okay,” she said with an airy voice. “Do pet the Blibbering Humdinger for me.”

“Until next we meet,” he said as his face disappeared from the mirror.

With a sigh, she leaned back from the mirror. She took a deep breath, then gently touched the surface of the glass. Next time, she’d be more prepared to capture him.


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