Title: Blue Moon Author: Celisnebula Characters: Fenrir Greyback/ David Kessler Genres: Crossover, Drama, Romance, Tragedy Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Character Death/ Violence Summary: Fenrir Greyback’s propensity to viciously attack humans in an effort to create more werewolves causes problems for an American on vacation. 1981 – East Proctor, inside the Slaughtered Lamb Pub “You can’t let them go,” the waitress whispered. “Should the world know our business?” came the angry hiss from a middle-aged man, fingering the tip of his dart. The chess player in the corner looked up, his hand hovering over the castle piece. “It’s murder then,” he said without inflection, as if discussing the weather, picking the chess piece up. “Then murder it is!” The middle-aged man grunted, throwing the dart with all of his might at the board. “It’s in God’s hands now.” The pub fell quiet again, save for the sound of the rain tapping against the windows. No one spoke, trying to pretend that it was ju...
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