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I am wicked you say
some sort of craven child
seeking the wildness of passion
in harrowing moonlight nights
by some sinister force
claimed by wild that calls
untamed beasts
into the dark

but wickedness has it place
in the whispered moments before the dawn
the tickling of a breath
just at the base of a jaw
my wildness pleases you
when it is directed towards you
my teeth have known your flesh
and I am tempted by more than you know

I am wicked
in ways you could not fathom
craving things that would kill someone lesser
I seek all
I want all
and I will not relent until I have
bits and pieces of your soul
for I am the wild song
singing in the hot torrents of your breath
like adrenaline rushing through your blood
I call to the instinct inside

is it wickedness to want you
in these moments of clarity that come
to want you
when the heat is boiling deep in my blood
and all my thoughts are of you
before me
so that I can dine on the lushness of your form

I am all that wicked could claim
a wild child bound only by a few things
this beating heart between us
the taste of your skin on the tip of my tongue
the sound of your breathing in the deep of night
these are the things that tie me
in soft bonds
with wicked delights
would that I could bind you so
for I feel the wildness rushing through you
and I crave

and I am wicked you say
for I weave a spell of words
yet they are only the natterings of what I feel
and they do not tie you to me
as I might wish
for wicked I may be
foolish perhaps
but not stupid
a wicked fool waiting for the moment of glory
in retrospect
in seems all silly
but the hunt is on
and I feel the calling simmering deep inside


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