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I'm so far behind on these, it isn't even funny - so, I'm not even going to try to catch up. I'm just doing this weeks and last weeks (and on a Sunday again)!


1. What is the best part about late summer?
2. What is your favorite memory and why?
3. When you were small, did you realize summer vacations were not going to happen forever?
4. Where was your favorite summer vacation? Why?
5. If you could have one last real summer vacation and cost was not an issue, where would you go and why?

1) I've always liked the nice, steady slow pace of it - everyone is off doing their vacations so it's nice and quiet around town - and the fair always comes to town at the end of the summer.
2) When I was 12 and my Dad was stationed in Hawaii, he and my Mom sent me to spend the summer with my Aunt Barbara. While yes, I did have to dress up and act like a girl at lot of the time (I was a hard core tom-boy), I still remember the long driving trip we took up the California coast, up into Oregon and down through a few more states. It was liberating not being with my parents, and having Barbara and Wally to myself without my brother or sister around.
3) No... I thought summer was playtime for everyone - I was quickly disabused of that notion when I turned 11 and had to spend my summer babysitting my brother and sister.
4) See number 2 - I spent the summer with Barbara and Wally and we traveled.
5) Honestly, I'd pack up the brat and do a huge world wide tour. We'd start in London and travel through France, down into Spain, over to Italy and Greece, head into Turkey and then skip over to Egypt. From there we'd cross over to India, then head up into China to see the great wall, hop over to Japan, then settle back for a trek back to the states.


1. If you were a fruit, which would you be and why?
2. If you wake up and smell smoke, and you have to get everybody (pets included) out of the house safely, but you have time to grab one item, what would you grab?
3. If you were stuck on an island, who would be the one person you would want with you and why?
4. If you could change one thing about your physical appearance, what would it be?
5. If you could spend the day with one famous person, dead or alive, who would you choose?

1) I'd be a strawberry - sweet, luscious and a bit tart.
2) I've so already done this - trust me, in a house fire, you don't have time to grab shite... I was able to grab my kid, my cat, and my car keys - everything else (including clothes - I was in a nightgown) was left.
3) Honestly, I don't know. I wouldn't want it to be my kid - I couldn't trap him like that, and I'm not sure I like anyone else enough to want to spend that much time with him or her.
4) LOL... the obvious, my weight - it sucks when you've got Hashimotos and can't lose weight the normal way.
5) That's a tough one. There are plenty of famous people I'd want to spend the day with, for various reasons - but not one that I'd pick automatically. Now, non-famous person is easy - it is Barbara - I miss her so much, and would want to spend the day, any day, with her again.


They didn't have any questions this week, so:

1. What is your local lake/river/sea?
2. Do you believe in dragons and unicorns?
3. What is your favorite fruit?
4. Do you smoke?
5. Friday fill-in:
Together they would _____ .

1) Lake Michigan.
2) *smiles* I believe in all sorts of magic - so yep.
3) Strawberry.
4) God, no.
5) Together they would travel the world.



1. Do you think the recent floods in the UK were a result of global warming?
2. If we could turn the clock back 100 years - what would you change to help the environment?
3. Do you think David Cameron really cares about the environment?
4. Friday fill in: My theory on global warming is ________________
5. If you were Prime Minister what would be the first thing you'd implement to help the environment?

1) I think that floods will come no matter what the weather - history is filled with instances of mother nature doing so.
2) I'd probably talk Ford into finding a better fuel source.
3) Dunno.
4) My theory on global warming is it will happen, despite out efforts to stop it.
5) Everyone must use bikes instead of cars, trucks or buses.


1. What's your earliest memory?
2. What was the naughtiest thing you did at school?
3. Tell us about your best friend back then?
4. Friday fill in: Kids these days ________
5. Where did you go on holiday as a child?

1) Sitting in Barbara's house, at Christmas time - lots of singing and cooking and lots of love.
2) Hmmm Honestly can't remember - I think it was skipping school to go to the beach when we lived in Hawaii.
3) Didn't really have one... we moved to much - military kids don't have best friends, we just have friends.
4) Kids these days don't understand the meaning of respect or boundaries, parents are far too permissive with them, so they act like asshats.
5) Usually no where.

No, I'm not going to do the HP ones... not really feeling like it. Yes, I know that's akin to blasphemy, but I'm a little petered out.


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